Transforming Care: Andrew Kelly on Integrating Technology in Health Services for Individuals with IDD

In this episode of IDD Health Matters, Dr. Craig Escude welcomes Andrew Kelly to discuss health services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). With a background in healthcare insurance and pharmacy management, Kelly shares his unintentional but impactful journey into the IDD field. Initially joining a pharmacy owned by a large agency, he moved through various roles that emphasized the importance of accessible and effective medication management for IDD individuals. His career progression led him to a technology-based company, where he currently focuses on improving documentation and operational efficiencies through electronic health records and other tech solutions.

Kelly underscores the critical role of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) in managing complex medication regimens and the enhancements brought by integrating technology to support these efforts. He discusses his current work with iCare Manager, an enterprise solution providing comprehensive electronic documentation to improve health outcomes and operational management within IDD services. Highlighting the importance of accurate and thorough documentation, Kelly illustrates how such practices are essential not just for compliance but for enhancing the quality of care and supporting better health outcomes for individuals with IDD. The episode touches on the satisfaction derived from making a meaningful difference in the lives of others, a recurring theme in careers within the IDD care sector.


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